In an age of computerized and corporate-driven entertainment, theater is more important than ever—and so is learning the basics of theatrical production. This three-part series offers an excellent primer in the history of drama as well as in-depth guidance on the industry’s technical side. From ancient Greek masks and amphitheaters to 21st-century know-how in casting, rehearsal, costumes, sets, and lighting, each video will go the distance in supporting, instructing, and inspiring a new generation of theater professionals. Viewable/printable instructor’s guides are available online. 3-part series, 25–30 minutes each.

Titles in this Series:

The History of Theater (FULL VIDEO) 

From the Greeks to the present, this program explores the evolution of play structure, staging techniques, and acting styles. Viewers learn about the following innovations, movements, and artistic figures: the open air amphitheater and its central role in the work of Aeschylus, Sophocles, and Euripides; the use of the chorus and masks; th...

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From Page to Stage: A Guide to Student Productions (FULL VIDEO) 

Staging a successful play takes time, energy, and wisely used resources-whether the production is on Broadway or at a high school. This program shows how to select an appropriate script for a student theater group and produce the play in an organized, efficient manner. Viewers receive information on casting, planning and conducting rehear...

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Cutting It in Costume: Design and Wardrobe Management (FULL VIDEO) 

When a play is performed, all eyes are on the actors—which means the costume department can make or break a production. This program introduces skills and responsibilities essential to theatrical costume design, technology, and management. After outlining the history of stage costuming, the video shows how an actor’s attire reveals his or...

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