Romans, Saxons, Vikings: 43-1066
Fremantle Home Entertainment
The Romans, who conquered the indigenous Bronze-Age Celts when they arrived in 43, did not conquer Londinium, they created it as a base for conquering England. This program covers the founding of the city on the shores of the river whose name in Celtic means "Bright Water"; shows us the remains of Roman London, the theatre at St. Albans, and such analogues as the baths at Bath; tells of the departure of the Roman legions and the arrival of the barbarians and their record in place names; and covers the building of Westminster Cathedral and the arrival of William-London's last conqueror. The principal illustrations: Tower Bridge, Richmond Park, Boadicea's Statue, London Wall, Roman Baths at Bath, Roman Theatre at St. Albans, Temple of Mithras, All Hallows by the Tower, The Pool of London, Model of a Viking Longboat, Bayeux Tapestry. (20 minutes)