The Moving Child Film II: Dance Therapy in Action
0884601 BC LTD (DBA The Moving Child)
Featuring 10 Board Certified Dance/Movement Therapists, this innovative film demonstrates use of movement and dance to support self-expression, confidence, trauma healing, self-regulation, social skills and wellbeing for children. Includes case studies with children aged 0-15 with diverse special needs, in group and solo sessions. Expert voices: Dr. Suzi Tortora, Dr.Charne Furcron, Kalila Homann, Janet Kaylo, Susan Kierr, Jeanine Kiss, Rena Kornblum, Susan Loman, Dennis McCarthy, Dr. Renee Ortega, Laurie Jones, Janice Geller, Hana Kamea Kemble. Parents, teachers and children are too many to list as cast (numbering over 50).