Marketing: The Standard Deviants(r) Core Curriculum
Goldhil Home Media International
This persuasive six-part set, adapted from the popular series developed for students to enhance their test-taking skills, combines serious academic content with a humorous presentation style to help make the subject of marketing more accessible. Each program skillfully employs elements such as clever mnemonics, high-tech computer graphics, and entertaining vignettes to boost retention and confidence while driving home core concepts through concise explanations and case studies.
Modules include:
• What Is Marketing?
• Marketing Planning
• Marketing Research and Information
• Segmenting, Targeting, and Positioning
• The Four P’s, Part 1: Product and Pricing
• The Four P’s, Part 2: Place and Promotion
Joining the Standard Deviants Academic Team in the creation of this set are John McCarty, Ph.D., of American University, and Barbara Rosenthal, Ph.D., of Miami-Dade Community College. Correlates to all applicable state and national standards. A viewable/printable instructor’s guide is available online. (1 hour 37 minutes)